As we move into Spring / Summer 2021 I wanted to provide a quick update on the new Lea Wharf developement which is well underway on the former Bircherely Green site. I Love Hertford has a great relationship with the owner of the site Chase New Homes who provide regular updates and have a genuine desire to keep residents informed throughout the redevelopment.

I am really happy to be able to share with you the latest image of what’s to come. This is the most detailed image released so far from Chase and really shows the planned look and feel of Hertford’s new riverside destination.

A Quick Recap

The new Lea Wharf is a mixed use development being built on the former Bircherley Green site and will be a mix of retail, restaurants, leisure and housing.

The “Wharf” style design compliments the riverside location and will include a number of character elements including tradional signage, joist feature and an iron sky bridge

A new waterside public space wil be created with eateries and seating areas along the length of the development. A number of retail / restaurant tenants are on board even at this early stage.

The car park is remaining with some major renovations, upgrades and visual improvments. In short, it’s getting a big (much needed) makeover.

Plans show 188 spaces of which, 40 are allocated to residential use, 5 car club spaces, with the remaining 143 to be pay-and-display. There will also be 10 car charging points and 112 cycle parking spaces.

The ground level will be opened up for restaurants and the structure above masked with a decorative feature.

The Bus Station is also remaining and getting an upgrade with new waiting room and public toilets.

On Site

As I understand it the site is mostly cleared as of April 2021 and the former building structure (excluding car park) demolished.

Archeology trenches were dug and at the time of writing this article nothing has been discovered. Remember this would have been done when the old Bircherley Green was built so it’s less likely that any treasures will be found … and sadly no tunnels … yet!

Below is a “hoped for” timeline for the development.

The most asked question I get by a long shot is “How long will it take to build?” Chase have kindly supplied me with a time line of key milestones they expect to meet along the constuction process.

Lea Wharf expected time line.

*Really important to point out, this is a hoped for schedual and could be influenced by a number of factors including the ongoing pandemic challenges.

Expected timeline for lea wharf

2021 – Demolition begins

March 2021 – Archeology

April 2021 – (Foundations) Piling commences

May-June 2021 – Ground beams

October 2021 – February 2022 – Superstructure build

March 2022 – April 2022 – Roof 

September 2022 – First property ready for sale


Chase New Home have asked me to thank the I Love Hertford community for their support and positivity throughout the application and works 🙂